Friday, April 22, 2011

On Happiness

Last night at parent-teacher conferences, while discussing one unusually delightful student with his mother, I was told this little anecdote.  The mom was saying that she's always grouchy in the morning, but her son is always so upbeat.  He's not one of these annoying rays of sunshine; he's just consistently happy.  He's never whining about being tired or dragging in the morning.  So Mom says to him, "Why are you always so happy in the morning?" and he said, "Because I choose to be."


Thousands of inspirational quotes will tell you the same thing - that happiness must come from within, but how simple and refreshing to hear it stated in such a simple way.  Just choose happiness.  Choose not to stew.  Choose not to pout.  Be happy because you've chosen to be.

Thought of the day.

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1 comment:

Meegan said...

The truth and innocence of a it :)